Resources for Faculty Advisors

NACADA Resources


Peer-Reviewed Articles (via NACADA)


Advising Lending Library

Please email to borrow a physical copy of any materials listed below. 


Drake, J.K., Jordan, P., & Miller, M.A. (Eds.). (2013). Academic Advising Approaches: Strategies That Teach Students to Make the Most of College. Jossey-Bass. 

Fox, J.R., & Martin, H.E. (Eds.). (2017). Academic Advising and the First College Year. Columbia, SC: University of South Carolina, National Resource Center for The First-Year Experience & Students in Transition and NACADA: The Global Community for Academic Advising.

Folsom, P., Yoder, F., & Joslin, J.E. (Eds.). (2015). The New Advisor Guidebook: Mastering the Art of Academic Advising. Jossey-Bass. 

Grites, T.J., Miller, M.A., & Voller, J.G. (Eds.). (2016). Beyond Foundations: Developing as a Master Academic Advisor. Jossey-Bass.

Gordon, V.N., & Wesley, R.H. (2000). Academic Advising: A Comprehensive Handbook.  Jossey-Bass.

Kramer, G.L. (Ed.). (2003). Faculty Advising Examined: Enhancing the Potential of College Faculty as Advisors. Anker Publishing.


NACADA Journal, Volume 42, Number 2, 2022

  • Tensions: A grounded Theory of Ethical Practice
    • Author: Andrew Puroway
  • Understanding the Career Management of Female Primary-Role Advisors
    • Authors: Keira Solon, Craig M. McGill, Daniel Jensen    
  • Attitudes of Cybersecurity Articulation Agreements and Transfer Students: A Statewide Survey of Faculty Members and Advisors
    • Authors: Brian K. Payne, Tancy Vandecar-Burdin, Daniela Cigularova
  • Messaging Matters: The Impacts of Advising Micromessages on Student Affect and Behavior Across Diverse University Campuses
    • Authors: Tonya Buchanan, Aaron Brown, Patrizia Chirco, Danielle Klein, Ashley Purgason
  • Online Graduate Career Changers: Motivations and Use of Academic and Career Advising Services and Resources
    • Author: Katelyn Talbott
  • Noncognitive Factors for Probationary Students Engaged in Academic Recovery Courses: A Preliminary Study
    • Authors: Christine Robinson, Ran Shi

NACADA Journal, Volume 41, Number 1, 2021

  • A Higher Calling: Toward A More Spacious Role for Academic Advisors           
    • Author: Laura I. Rendón
  • Characteristics of Academic Advising That Contribute to Racial and Ethnic Minority Student Success at Predominantly White Institutions
    • Originally published in NACADA Journal 30(1)
    • Authors: Samuel D. Museus, Joanna Ravello
  • Revisiting the Tole of Academic Advising in Equitably Serving Diverse College Students
    • Author: Samuel D. Museus
  • Latinx Community College Students on Academic Probation: Struggles and Success
    • Authors: Maria Paula-McPherson, Floralba Arbelo Marrero
  • Teamwork Makes the Dream Work: Experiences of Student-Athletes in STEM with Dual Advising
    • Authors: Nikola Grafnetterova, Hilda Cecilia Contreras Aguirre, Rosa M. Banda
  • Senioritis: College Student Perceptions on Causes, Outcomes, and Support
    • Authors: Adena Young-Jones, Jason McCain, Tracie Burt, Megan Drew, D.J. Heim
  • The Perceptions Community College Advising Coordinators Have of Their Institutional Advising Models: An Exploratory Study
    • Author: Brian Kapinos
  • Toward Substantive Theory of the Academic Advising Process: A Grounded Theory          
    • Author: Craig M. McGill

NACADA Journal, Volume 40, Number 2, 2020

  • From the Co-Editors
    • Authors: Susan Campbell, Sharon A. Aiken-Wisniewski, Lisa Rubin
  • If Advising is Teaching, What do Advisors Teach?
    • Author: Marc Lowenstein
  • Measuring the Differential Effects of Behaviors of Academic Advisors for Students with Disabilities
    • Authors: John Zilvinskis, Renae E. Barber, Johanna L. Brozinsky, Shelby R. Hochberg
  • Insider Information: Advisors’ Perspectives on the Effectiveness of Enhanced Advising Programs for Community College Students
    • Authors: Paul Donaldson, Lyle McKinney, Mimi Miyoung Lee, Catherine L. Horn, Andrea              Burridge, Diana Pino
  • Examining the Relationship Between College Advising and Student Outputs: A Content Analysis of the NACADA Journal
    • Authors: Adriana Ruiz Alvarado, Avery B. Olson
  • Promises and Realities: Academic Advisors’ Perspectives of Dual Enrollment Credit
    • Authors: Patricia Witkowsky, Kathryn Starkey, Grant Clayton, Martin Garnar, Ashely Andersen
  • Administrator Perceptions of Academic Advisor Tasks
    • Authors: Donna J. Menke, Mark Duslak, Craig M. McGil

NACADA Journal, Volume 39, 2019

  • Virginia Gordon as a Servant Leader
    • Authors: Elizabeth M. Higgins, Susan M. Campbell
  • Putting Theory into Practice: Virginia Gordon at Ohio State
    • Author: George E. Steele
  • Virginia Gordon: Pioneering the Concept of Scholar-Practitioner in Academic Advising Through Her Own Scholarship and Practice
    • Authors: Tammy Nguyen, Thomas J. Grites, Sharon A. Aiken-Wisniewski
  • Scholarly Advising and the Scholarship of Advising
    • Author: Wendy G. Troxel
  • Training Future Academic Advisors: One Model of a Pre-Service Approach 
    • Author: Virginia N. Gordon
  • The 3-I Process: A Career-Advising Framework
    • Author: Virginia N. Gordon
  • Developmental Advising: The Elusive Model
    • Author: Virginia N. Gordon