Roger Life Stories

Roger Life: From Analytics winner to Boston Data Engineer

By Anna Cohen
Misha Dubuc with his award winning poster

Misha Dubuc ’21, Computer Science and Mathematics Major who was born in Zushi, Japan, and grew up in Bristol, R.I., has accepted a position as an Associate Data Engineer at  in Boston, Mass. He will be maintaining and analyzing clinical data for medical academies. 

Undergraduate Research: "This semester, I've been collaborating with a mathematics professor for a research project constructing a machine learning algorithm that will predict closing prices from the S&P 500. We built an accurate model to make those predictions. That has been a really fun learning experience. Working with that professor has been a blast."

Winning an Analytics Challenge: "My crowning achievement from undergraduate studies was when my teammate and I won first place in a national analytics competition out of dozens of schools across the nation. We took part in the AIS () Scholastic Analytics challenge, where we had to analyze millions of children’s book quarters to find trends in sales. That was a really proud, defining moment in my career path."

Rewarding Opportunities on Campus: “I encourage any future or current students to seek out all the opportunities on campus that can further your knowledge of your major outside of the classroom. You'll be able to network with some amazing professors who may help you down your path. It’s a really rewarding experience to work with these professors on a really fulfilling project that will help you broaden your knowledge of your field.”

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Roger Life Stories